Balloon Buffoon
- Joined Oct 2013
- Published Books 1560
Copyright © 2014
Wellcome to the Show and tell with Doctor Mel,
I’m Doctor Mel.
I was dreaming about Italy.
And that’s very strange,
because our letter today
comes from a city in Italy called Milan.
In Italy people speak Italian, they call it Milano.
And our letter is from Eva.
And Eva wants to know:
“How do we know that air is there??”
Ha ha..! Gracie mille, Eva!
That’s thank you in Italian.
Well, we can’t see air, but we can feel it.
We can actually feel the air if we wave our hands,
Or, if we put our hand in front of our mouth we can actually feel the air coming out as we speak.
And you know that we breathe air in and out all the time.
Watch this..
But I guess the most fun we can have with air is blowing up a balloon.
Well, lets watch the air going into the ballon,
we can’t see the air but we can see the balloon grow.
As we push more and more air into it..
This air is under a lot of pressure. It wants to leave the balloon.
If we make a little hole…
Oh.. we can see the air running out of the balloon.
Ballons are a lot of fun.
Ring ring…
Excuse me, I think I have a phone call.
Hello, this is Show and Tell with Dr. Mel, Dr. Mel speaking.
Oh, it’s Sam, my producer, hi Sam, how are you?
I’m on the show right now, I’m on the air. Ha ha..!!
I can’t believe it! It’s incredible! Well, thank you Sam, thank you!
Well, what do you know, we have a guest!
Let’s welcome to our show,
The world’s oldest living balloon, Mister Buffoon.
Wellcom to the studio today, we are so happy to have you!
Mr. Buffoon says that it’s his birthday today.
He is 100 years old.
I bet you have been to a lot of birthday parties.
He says yes.
He says he was at Abraham Lincoln’s birthday party. I’m not sure that his memory is all that great, though.
Well, you know, Mr. Buffoon, we are so happy you are on the show,
we prepared a special present for you:
A special medal commemorating your birthday!!!
He says he doesn’t like medals.
He is afraid that he is going to explode if we pin it on him.
Oh come on, everybody wears medals.
Here, just let me put it on you.
No, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid…
thank you for being on our show, Mr Buffoon
It sure was a blast!!
Thank you for reading our book!
If you like it, you might also want to read other books from
“Show and tell with Dr. Mel” series, such as:
“Greg, the Musical Egg”:
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Published: Mar 14, 2014
Latest Revision: Aug 27, 2014
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-4998
Copyright © 2014